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 _    __                            __  __           
| |  / /___  ________  ____ _____  / /_/ /____  ____ 
| | / / __ \/ ___/ _ \/ __ `/ __ \/ __/ __/ _ \/ __ \
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|___/\____/_/   \___/\__, /\____/\__/\__/\___/_/ /_/ 
            ____             __                  
           / __ \___  ____ _/ /___ ___           
          / /_/ / _ \/ __ `/ / __ `__ \          
         / _, _/  __/ /_/ / / / / / / /          
        /_/ |_|\___/\__,_/_/_/ /_/ /_/  by Henri.


What it is and why it was built:


This is a Multi-User Chat Kingdom, or MUCK for short, and more exactly a vore-themed MUCK (if you wonder what vore is, please check here for a definition). While there are hundreds of MUCK/MUSH/MUD/MOO around, very few are dedicated to vore or simply got vore playing areas. The vore chat rooms, such as YumChat are great, and it is big fun to play on them, but they have some limitations a MUCK does not have; in particular when the number of players on them goes beyond a dozen, it becomes very difficult to role play a good scene in peace... MUCKs do not have this problem, because a MUCK can have hundreds or thousands (for the older ones) different places in which you can RP.

There are a few reasons which made me decide to build this MUCK. First, as explained above, because of the chatroom limitations, and second, because the only other vore MUCK which was available back in 2002, was more a disappointment to me than anything. As a result, Voregotten Realm was created during the summer 2002 and was officially open to the public on October the 13th, 2002.



The plot(s):


Voregotten Realm is a role playing vore MUCK, but within these limits (role-playing and vore) there are only very little constraints about what can be RPed on it. First, I chose to avoid writing a precise plot for the MUCK; not by lazyness, but because a strict plot cannot, in my opinion, be properly followed: either some RPers will simply ignore the plot, or the ones who abide it will finally find it too restrictive for their fantasy to take place on the MUCK. Instead of a plot, I then created situations: from these situations and from the interactions between the RPers, a plot may or may not draw by itself. This is unimportant in fact, because what actually matters is that everyone can have fun ! 

Each situation corresponds to a portion (or playground) of the Realm. There are currently four playgrounds on the MUCK, as well as a meeting and socializing place. When you enter the MUCK, you awaken in the Forest of Broceliande (the socializing and meeting place), which is Merlin's home (the well known enchanter and druid). Merlin is known to be able to travel through time and space, and he did setup a magic cave in the forest, which can be used to access the Realm worlds:

  • A volcanic island, isolated from the outside world, on which a medieval fantasy world is setup, with all sorts of regions (shores, forest, swamp, plain, hills, village, etc, etc...). The Voregotten Island got 25 regions (5x5) and some public indoor places (tavern, castle, monastery, temple, caves, lairs, etc...). On this island are predators and preys, which must find a way to coexist and survive together.

  • An open land with a modern/futuristic "plot". I.e. while the technology is unknown and prohibited on the Voregotten Island, it may be used without restriction on the Voregotten Land. This world got 25 (5x5) regions as well as more indoor places and outdoor sub-areas (such as the Hunting Grounds: an area of over 8000 virtual rooms in which predators may track preys by their smell, and preys may escape predators by using the characteristics of the various terrains !).

  • A Macrophile/Microphile biased area , the Voregotten Highlands. This world got 25 (5x5) regions as well as more indoor places and outdoor sub-areas. It shares the same modern/futuristic setting with the Voregotten Land. See also the macrophile/microphile howto to get an idea of how much fun it can be to play a macro or a micro in there... ;-)

  • A BDSM-biased area. The Slavers' Island is a world where slavery is in force (vore is of course always welcome and part of the theme as well). It is a comtemporary setting, where modern technology is allowed. It currently got 15 "districts" (3x5) plus some public buildings.

  • A natural reserve/park. The Voregotten Park is a 3x3 themed areas land: it provides places for every kind of vore RP but got no private area. This playground is provided as a public, adult-only area (guests cannot enter it) and is more like a "public" chat with multiple rooms.

There are other projects as well (the Voregotten Underground, and the Voregotten Galaxy), but time will tell if such new worlds are actually needed or not, as this will depend on the user base.

The whole Realm has a unique feature: death is usually not permanent and most of the creatures do reform after being killed (usually devoured) in Voregotten Realm. Note that this may not apply to all creatures and you are free to play characters which never reform (the MUCKs are actually better suited for playing such characters than chats, for you can reuse your character once it is dead and make a new one from it by just changing its name and its properties).



What can be RPed, what the limits are:


As far as vore is concerned, you are welcome to RP any kind of vore you want: soft, mild, hard, gory, cooking, consensual or not, anything !  The only limitations I ask you to respect are:

  • That everything RPed in the Voregotten Land and Island public areas is kept PG-13 (this applies to any room owned by "Merlin", the MUCK builder wizard. Type 'ex' to see to whom a room belongs). Why ?  Well, simply because I have no way to check what is the actual age of the guests, and guests can roam freely in the public places of the Voregotten Island and Land; so when you want to play an adult scene (involving sex or extreme violence), just go into a private area (what you are doing in private areas is your own business, and a private room is considered much like an IM chatroom in this respect). Also, because some scenes may be considered gross by some spectators (for exemple scat), these scenes should be played in private or lockable public areas. Note that the two other playgrounds (the Voregotten Park and the Slavers' Island) are X-rated areas (guests cannot enter them, and a disclaimer is setup at their entrance): you can therefore RP safely adult-rated scenes in these areas.

  • That the theme for each playground is respected (Medieval theme for the Voregotten Island, per-room theme for the Voregotten Park, slavery/BDSM theme for the Slavers' island).

Now you will probably ask: May I play non-vore RPs (sex, vampyrism, fights, TF, etc...) ?  Well, this is a vore MUCK, but as long as you are a registered member and that you play in a private area or at least away from vore RPers, I see no objection for you to play these scenes. Should the MUCK get overloaded by non-vore RPs and RPers, I would have to take some measures, of course, but as long as the MUCK keeps working fine, I will not be nosy and will let everyone the freedom to play their fantasy the way they like it. This tolerance is NOT extending to the Voregotten Park, in which each room must be seen as a themed chatroom: only vore RPs are allowed here.



The ways to access the MUCK:


There are two ways to log into the MUCK:

  • As a guest: up to 8 guests may connect simultaneously to the MUCK and take a tour of it. Of course, guests are very restricted in what they can do (very few commands are available to them), but this allows for a newcomer to have a taste (bad pun intended) of what the MUCK is.

  • As a registered user: registration is granted on web form request. Registered users get a full access to all the MUCK areas and commands. They may register up to 3 different characters (3 characters may seem restrictive but each user may own and operate an unlimited number of puppets, they can change themselves their character name at will, and a morph program is available to help the shapeshifters).
    To apply for a registration, use this online instant registering form (if it does not work for you, email me your request at with the name of the character you want (16 letters maximum, no space nor punctuation in the name, the underscore is allowed) and a statement telling you are an adult).

On entering the MUCK, you will be asked to read the Acceptable Use Policy (or AUP for short).


The MUCK address is: (or, and the port to use is: 8888 for plain text connections or 6666 for SSL-encrypted connections (you need an SSL-enabled MUCK client to use that one).


The use of a proper MUCK client is highly recommended (see "Ressources for MUCKs" below). If your browser is properly configured for telnet, you may try to log in with this link. Finally, if you are behind a firewall blocking the telnet connections, or if you like web-chats look and feel, you may try the web interface to VR (help on how to use it is available here).

Ressources for MUCKs:

  • MUCK clients (right-click on the links and choose "Save link as" to download):

    • Trebuchet (v1.082 build 1): An excellent and free UNIX/Linux, Windows and MacOS-X MUCK client (now with aspell spell-checker support, text embedded images support and sound support !).

      • Here are the RPMS packages I built for Linux:
        • The "binaries" (it's a Tcl/Tk script actually...): trebuchet-1.082-1.noarch.rpm (445 Kb)
        • The "sources": trebuchet-1.082-1.src.rpm (1.2 Mb).
        • To enjoy all the features Trebuchet has to offer, make sure to install:
          • Tcl TLS if you want to be able to use the encrypted (TLS/SSL) ports. The corresponding package in your Linux distribution may be named "tcltls", "tcl-tls" or simply "tls".
          • tkImg if you want to be able to see embedded images in the Trebuchet window. The corresponding package in your Linux distribution may be named "tkimg", "tk-img" or simply "img".
          • Snack sound if you want to be able to hear sounds played via Trebuchet MSP support. The corresponding package in your Linux distribution may be named "tclsnack", "tcl-snack" or simply "snack".
          • aspell if you want the spell-checking feature. The corresponding packages in your Linux distribution may be named "lib[64]aspell*" (library), "aspell" (the aspell command itself), and "aspell-en" (the English dictionary).
          • If, like me, you are using PCLinuxOS, you will find here all the needed Tcl/Tk packages that are missing (Tk Img) or too old (Tcl/Tk itself, Tcl TLS) in the official repositories.

      • Here are the files for Windows:
        • Tcl833.exe (9.6 Mb): Tcl/Tk v8.3.3 for Windows: you need it to run Trebuchet... Yes, it's a big software to install, but then you get a powerful scripting language (Tcl) and its graphical toolkit (Tk) as a bonus ! ;-)  As Windows natively lacks a decent scripting language, this is far from useless... Note that this Tcl/Tk install got the TLS and IMG extensions built-in (enabling Trebuchet with SSL encrypted connection support and with MCP GUI image viewing).
        • (3.6 Mb): Snack sound extension for Tcl/Tk under Windows: unzip the archive somewhere and double-click on "install.tcl" in the "Snack" directory to install the extension (Tcl/Tk must have been installed beforehand, of course). You may then delete the installation directory ("Snack").
          NOTE: this extension is not strictly necessary for sound support in Trebuchet (if it is not installed, Trebuchet will use the Media Player to play sounds), but it provides a better integration as well as a much better implementation of MSP (making it very close to the original specifications).
        • Trebuchet1082b1.exe (528 Kb): Windows installer for Trebuchet itself.
        • Do not forget to download aspell and its English dictionary if you want the new spell-checking feature. :-)

      • Here are the files for any OS (MacOS-X, *BSD, or RPM-less Linux systems):
        • (537 Kb): just unzip it somewhere and fire up "Trebuchet.tcl" to start Trebuchet...
    • MUSH client: A good and free Windows MUCK client.

    • Phoca95: A good (but very old) and free Windows MUCK client. Here is (1 Mb). However, note that Phoca95 does not have as good an ANSI support as Trebuchet...

    Follow this link to learn how to configure Trebuchet and Phoca95 for access to Voregotten Realm.

    Other ways to connect to a MUCK:

  • Documentation, manuals, tutorials:



The Voregotten Realm MUCK features:


I tried to add as many features as possible, while keeping the whole setting coherent, debugging and adapting the programs and commands everytime it was needed. I also wrote quite some programs myself, some of which being focused on the vore theme.

Unlike all others FuzzBall TinyMUCKs, this MUCK allows up to 4096 characters per command (instead of 1024, which was a no-no for a verbose RPer like me :-P !). Beware, some MUCK clients (GMUD32 for example) are themselves truncating the line length to 1024 characters... Trebuchet, Phoca95, gMOO (see the links above) and MUSHclient have no such limitation.

Unlike all other MUCKs, this MUCK got a RP logging feature: the public areas and rooms are logged (just use the @log command to see whether a room is logged or not, public, adult-only, or private) and these logs are "publicly" accessible (in fact only the MUCK's registered users can access them). The logs are available on a per-room basis, in HTML format with time stamping. The poses/posts/OOCs/spoofs are logged (anything a spectator character in the room would see is logged, the whispers, pages and commands reports are not). Note that if you don't want to see your prose logged into the public areas, you may as well setup your chactater so that what it does/says is "hidden" to the logging routines (see @log #help and news logging for full details). It is also possible for any player to setup their own rooms so that a private log is maintained for them.

This MUCK also got full ANSI colours and attributes support (customizable on a per-user basis, unlike what happens on most MU*s where you cannot change the colours used by the commands). The MUCK understands both native FB6 ANSI escape codes and tilde-code ANSI (I rewrote entirely the 'lib-ansi-free' library, which was utterly buggy). A vast majority of the commands were rewritten/adapted by me to take benefit of the ANSI feature (the names for ANSIfied commands appear in cyan, in the globals list). More commands will be ANSIfied as time permits. Those who don't like ANSI will not have to bother either as the MUCK takes care of stripping off any ANSI codes for players who don't use the ANSI emulation. To enable the ANSI feature for your character, first check that your MUCK client is properly configured for ANSI support, then type ansi on, and use ansi-colors for an easy, menu-driven, setting up of your ANSI preferences.

Finally, Voregotten Realm makes use of the MCP (Mud Client Protocol) features of MUCK clients such as Trebuchet (which CVS version, available on this site, extends with text embedded images displaying), for editing text in a full screen editor, or displaying images when you 'look' at an object, room or character. It also supports MCP-encapsulated MSP (in a zMud compatible way): MSP is the Mud Sound Protocol and brings sound support to the users of the CVS version of Trebuchet.

You will find here the lists of the additional commands and programs available on Voregotten Realm (a bare MUCK being pretty... bare without them !). Everytime I could, I used the most performant versions of the commands (there are several "flavours" of some commands, and some are just more powerful or easier to use than others).


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Game of the month - May 2006